My name is Mohamed Ali Husain and I have been doing art ever since I was in middle school. For as long as I have been learning about art, I had dabbled in various mediums such as sculptures, carving, painting, sketching, portraits, filming, photography, and digital media. With the latter, I have handled various programs both proprietary and open source for my editing. I have been doing all this so I could be able to learn about how to create what I want more efficiently and to be able to make a living out of creating what I want. It was always a conundrum for me at first, but I strive to improve in my craft. Even when I do get a start in my career, I will not stop learning how to be better at art.

If I must provide an example, a medium that I haven’t had a lot of experience with was web design and while it was a struggle at first, by asking for advice, I was ultimately able to pull through and create my net art in an efficient manner. That is the thing about art. It isn’t always a solo job. Sometimes, you need to speak with people in order to truly get anywhere, whether they’d be your commissioners or your fellow artists. That doesn’t mean you have to always rely on the words of others, but in order to truly get your creativity flowing and your workload being easier to handle, one should never be afraid to ask for help.

Currently, I am just about to graduate from San Jose State University and while the future is unknown at the moment, I am intent on doing my best in any medium I lean into. Currently, I focus on digital media and pictorial affairs, but I am also willing to do photography with what I've learned. As an artist, one is always learning and as such, I'm willing to learn whatever I can to improve my craft.

San Jose State University, Class of 2021.